Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well, I didn't get a chance to meet with the group, so I decided to start on my own anyway. For the past two days I have begun what I guess is a basic version of the detox--- basically no of the everything on the no list except I did eat eggs and meat. I am really curious to see the effects on my body when I restrict my meat intake. I hear this is not good for highly sensitive people. However, I will get my protein from soy milk which will go in my smoothie, beans and peanut butter. So hopefully this will suffice.

I am very excited that, in my past two days, I have not had any sugar. No cookies or candies, no cakes, no ice creams, no juice. Nothing. Not even gum. Wow. That is a huge victory for me, and I'm excited to see the benefits from just not eating sugar alone. I feel great, very sleepy, but a lot more relaxed. So from here on out, for the next 19 days, the more intense aspects of the detox begins. Happy trails.

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